UPRIGHT: Revisiting the past, childhood memories, innocence, joy. REVERSED: Living in the past, forgiveness, lacking playfulness. The Six of Cups tarot card represents nostalgia […]
UPRIGHT: Regret, failure, disappointment, pessimism. REVERSED: Personal setbacks, self-forgiveness, moving on. The Five of Cups tarot card symbolizes loss and emotional turmoil. A man […]
UPRIGHT: Meditation, contemplation, apathy, reevaluation. REVERSED: Retreat, withdrawal, checking in for alignment. The Four of Cups tarot card represents introspection and contemplation. A young […]
UPRIGHT: Celebration, friendship, creativity, collaborations. REVERSED: Independence, alone time, hardcore partying, ‘three’s a crowd The Three of Cups represents celebration, friendship, and emotional connection. […]
UPRIGHT: Unified love, partnership, mutual attraction REVERSED: Self-love, break-ups, disharmony, distrust The Two of Cups meaning centers on love, partnership, and emotional exchange. This […]
UPRIGHT: Love, new relationships, compassion, creativity. REVERSED: Self-love, intuition, repressed emotions. The Ace of Cups meaning reveals a powerful surge of emotions and intuition. […]
UPRIGHT: Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel REVERSED: Seeking personal closure, short-cuts, delays The World Tarot card meaning signifies a profound completion and the start of […]
UPRIGHT: Positivity, fun, warmth, success, vitality REVERSED: Inner child, feeling down, overly optimistic Sun Tarot Card Meaning: Optimism and Joy The Sun Tarot card […]