UPRIGHT: Inspiration, new opportunities, growth, potential REVERSED: An emerging idea, lack of direction, distractions, delays The Ace of Wands Tarot card features a hand […]
UPRIGHT: Mental clarity, intellectual power, authority, truth REVERSED: Quiet power, inner truth, misuse of power, manipulation The King of Swords Tarot card depicts a […]
UPRIGHT: Independent, unbiased judgement, clear boundaries, direct communication REVERSED: Overly-emotional, easily influenced, bitchy, cold-hearted The Queen of Swords Tarot card portrays a queen seated […]
UPRIGHT: Ambitious, action-oriented, driven to succeed, fast-thinking REVERSED: Restless, unfocused, impulsive, burn-out The Knight of Swords Tarot card features a knight clad in armor, […]
UPRIGHT: New ideas, curiosity, thirst for knowledge, new ways of communicating REVERSED: Self-expression, all talk and no action, haphazard action, haste The Page of […]
UPRIGHT: Celebration, friendship, creativity, collaborations. REVERSED: Independence, alone time, hardcore partying, ‘three’s a crowd The Three of Cups represents celebration, friendship, and emotional connection. […]
UPRIGHT: Unified love, partnership, mutual attraction REVERSED: Self-love, break-ups, disharmony, distrust The Two of Cups meaning centers on love, partnership, and emotional exchange. This […]
UPRIGHT: Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel REVERSED: Seeking personal closure, short-cuts, delays The World Tarot card meaning signifies a profound completion and the start of […]