Colour Therapy is a complementary therapy for which there is evidence dating back thousands of years to the ancient cultures of Egypt, China and India. Colour is simply light of varying wavelengths, thus each colour has its own particular wavelength and energy.
Colour is absorbed by the eyes, skin, skull our ‘magnetic energy field’ or aura and the energy of colour affects us on all levels, that is to say, physical, spiritual and emotional. Every cell in the body needs light energy – thus colour energy has widespread effects on the whole body.
Colour therapy can be shown to help on a physical level, which is perhaps easier to quantify, however there are deeper issues around the colours on the psychological and spiritual levels. Our wellbeing is not, of course, purely a physical issue. That is to say, we are body, mind and spirit and none of these areas function entirely alone. Each has an effect upon the other. This is why Colour Therapy can be so helpful since colour addresses all levels of our being. Fortunately, many people are now rediscovering and accepting the holistic healing methods.
Colour Therapy is a totally holistic and non-invasive therapy.